1. Dan Allender: Bold Love: Wounded Heart: Healing Path. Dan Allender is a psychologist and theologian, who writes about Christian response to sexual abuse.
2. David Batstone: Not for Sale.
3. Marion Carson and Ruth Robb: Working the Streets. (Marion Carson is a Scottish Theologian; Ruth Robb founded projects ministering to women and prostitution in England. Together they write a manual for those feeeling called to reach out to people in prostitution.)
4. Melissa Farley: Prostitution, Trafficking and Post-Traumatic Stress.
5. Edwina Gately: I Hear a Seed Growing. (Edwina Gately is a Catholic lay-worker who founded "Genesis House" and writes beautifully about her journey towards ministry to people in prostitution in Chicago.
6. Victor Malarek: The Natashas.
7. Cynthia Mather and Kristina E. Debye. How Long Does It Hurt: A Guide to Recovering from Incest and Sexual Abuse for Teenagers, Their Friends and their Families. (Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1994)
8. Brennan Manning: Ruthless Trust.
9. Henri Nowen: The Return of the Prodigal: The Wounded Healer. Here and Now. The Inner Voice of Love. Turn my Mourning Into Dancing.
10. Francine Rivera: Redeeming Love.
11. John Sanford: Deliverance and Inner Healing.
12. Elaine Storkey: Search for Intimacy.
13. Phillip Yancy: What's so Amazing about Grace? Rumors of Another World. What on Earth Are We Missing?
Please check this one out and tell me what you think. Notice it is K A R M A.
karma Sutra - Essays From The Margin (Paperback)
by Rajendar, Menen (Author)
The Protection Project: The Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) based in Johns Hopkins University, monitors the laws in most countries of the world: how effective they are, how they are implemented. There are good stories and case studies--and you will find Sasha's story (2002) here. (Go to "commentary" and scroll down.) www.protectionproject.org
The US Government's Trafficking in Persons Report. Every year, all the US Embassies in the world are required to submit a report about the countries where they are located, ranking them on the progress they are making towards eliminating trafficking in persons. www.state.gov/g/lip/ris/tiprpt/2007
Veronica's Voice: This is a project, based in Kansas City, KS and founded by Kristy Childs, who was a victim of prostitution. www.veronicasvoice.org
Emmeaus Ministries: This project was founded by John Green, a Catholic layman (married to an American Baptist woman) ministering to men in prostitution in Chciago. www.streets.org
Treasures: Founded by Harmony Dust, who was a stripper, this project ministers in strip clubs in the Los Angeles area. www.iamatreasure.com
Human Trafficking. Lifetime TV
Lilya 4-ever. By Swedish director Lukas Moodysson, about a teenager traffficked from Eastern Europe to Sweeden.
Trade. About international trafficking.
Fields of Mudan. Very moving independent film about a child victim of trafficking.
HOPE frees us from the need to predict the future and allows us to live in the present with the deep trust that God will never leave us alone but will fulfill the deepest desire of our heart.
When I trust deeply that today God is truly with me and holds me safe in a divine embrace, guiding every one of my steps, I can let go of my anxious need to know how tomorrow will look, or what will happen next month of next year. I can be fully where I am and pay attention to the many signs of God's love within and around me. Henri Nouwen. Here and Now, p. 33.
"When you come to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step off into darkenss of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things: there will be something solid to stand on--or you will be taught how to fly."
How Long Does It Hurt: A Guide to Recovering from Incest and Sexual Abuse for Teenagers, Their Friends, and Their Families by Cynthia L. Mather, Eliana Gil, Kristina E. Debye, and Judy Wood (Paperback - Nov 29, 2004)
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Excerpt - page 126: "... into the sunset once the abuse has ended. You don't stop hurting just because the abuse has stopped. ..."Surprise me! See a random page in this book.
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I am including this because this deals with children who are molested, and so many people who are involved in exploitation are children.--Charlotte
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