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Check out Fertility Blend and the stats Stanford U. has for pregnancy. I am going to be making ponchos for building a youth activity center in Indonesia for my friend, Totok Wiryasaputra. I have known him for since 1986. Please look at to find out more about the work that can help a country that has tsunamis, earthquakes, a large homeless population, mud volcanoes, fiery volcanoes, and so many displaced people.
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September 16, 2008 |
The Fertile Soul on The Today Show! | We are delighted to make you aware that the NBC Today Show will be airing a series on complementary medicine on September 16th - 18th. The program tomorrow, the 16th, will feature interviews with Dr. Lewis, footage filmed at a Fertile Body retreat held in Phoenix in July, and have as live guests in-studio two past retreat program participants, one who conceived naturally, and one who conceived using natural and Western medicine.
The Today Show airs in most markets from 7a – 10a daily. The segment will probably air between 8 and 8:30, but there are no guarantees. Some markets air live, so the central region may see it at 7 or 7:30 (with the Show starting at 6a). It also is always a possibility that the segment could be pre-empted by other programming. We suggest you find your local listing as there is not a hard and fast rule we can give you.
We will look into purchasing rights to put the segment on our website and make it available to you as quickly as possible afterward if you are unable to view it live.
Part of The Fertile Soul's mission is to build greater awareness of the ways in which Chinese medicine can support fertility and living with intention, and we are grateful to the Phoenix retreat participants and former patients for being willing to share their very personal stories.
Wishing you continued hope and new awareness and peace. For information regarding our next Fertile Body retreat, scheduled for October 26 - 30th in Asheville or for details regarding any of our treatment programs, please email | | |
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